Author: Emma Turl
Come with thanksgiving—harvest is here;
for with his bounty God crowns the year!
Fruits of the forest,
crops from the seeds—
God our Provider
is meeting our needs.
2. Come as he offers grace to each one,
for with his glory God crowns his Son—
Christ our Redeemer
nailed to a tree,
risen in triumph,
is setting us free.
3. Come in submission pardon to seek,
for with salvation God crowns the meek.
Now as his Spirit
makes our hearts new,
may we be fruitful
in all that we do.
4. Come let us banish fear and despair—
garlands of beauty soon we shall wear.
Come with thanksgiving,
joyfully sing:
Jesus is Saviour—
we crown him as King!
Crown references:
Verse 1: Psalm 65:11
v2: Hebrews 2:7
v3: Psalm 149:4
v4: Isaiah 35:10
Copyright: © 1985, rev 2011 EMMA TURL/PRAISE TRUST