Christ, the Lord, is risen today

‘Christ, the Lord, is risen today!’
All creation join to say:
Raise your joys and triumphs high;
Sing, you heavens, and earth reply:

2. Love’s redeeming work is done!
Fought the fight, the battle won:
see, our Sun’s eclipse has passed;
see, the light returns at last!

3. Vain the stone, the watch, the seal:
Christ has burst the gates of hell;
death in vain forbids him rise-
Christ has opened paradise:

4. Lives again our glorious King;
where, O death, is now your sting?
Once he died, our souls to save;
where’s your victory, boasting grave?

5. Soar we now where Christ has led,
following our exalted Head;
made like him, like him we rise;
ours the cross, the grave, the skies:

6. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven!
Praise to you by both be given;
every knee to you shall bow,
risen Christ, triumphant now!

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