Author: Josiah Conder 1789-1855
Bread of heaven, on you we feed,
for your flesh is food indeed;
ever may our souls be fed
with this true and living bread;
day by day our strength supplied
through your life, O Christ, who died.
2. Vine of heaven, your precious blood
seals eternal peace with God.
Lord, your wounds our healing give;
to your cross we look and live:
Jesus, here our souls renew,
rooted, grafted, built in you!
Scriptures: Colossians 1:20, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 3:17, John 1:51, Isaiah 53:5, John 3:14-15, 1 Peter 2:24, John 6:32-35, Acts 20:32, John 15:5, Ephesians 2:22, Colossians 2:7, Psalms 105:40, Isaiah 45:22, Exodus 16:4, Numbers 20:8-9, Numbers 21:8-9, John 6:48-58, Romans 11:23-24
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