All nature is an open book

All nature is an open book
to spread her maker’s praise abroad,
and every page on which we look
shows something worthy of a God.

2. But in the grace that rescued man
his brightest form of glory shines;
here, on the cross, it’s fairest drawn
in precious blood and crimson lines.

3. Here see his name complete appear;
no mind can guess, nor reason prove,
which of the letters is most clear,
the power, the wisdom, or the love.

4. Here I behold his inmost heart,
where grace and vengeance strangely join,
piercing his Son with sharpest smart
to make the purchased pleasures mine.

5. O the sweet wonders of that cross
where God the Saviour loved and died!
Its noblest life my spirit draws
from his pierced hands and feet and side.

6. Let me for ever speak his name
in sounds to mortal ears unknown,
with angels join to praise the Lamb
and worship at his Father’s throne.

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