The Church - Character and Privileges

Number Hymn Name Author
565As we are gathered, Jesus is hereJohn Daniels
1269Awake, awake, O ZionNathan Fellingham
566Be stillDavid J Evans
564Behold, the mountain of the LordMichael Bruce 1746-67
567Christ is made the sure foundationLatin 7th Century Trans John…
568Church of God, elect and gloriousJames Seddon 1915-83
1101Church of Jesus, church expressingEmma Turl
580Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwellIsaac Watts 1674-1748
1152Come, people of the risen KingStuart Townend, Keith and…
569Father, we adore youPhil Lawson Johnston
570Glorious things of you are spokenJohn Newton 1725-1807
1104Good news throughout the worldColin Harris
1212Grace is the gift that God aloneChristopher Idle
571Head of your church triumphantCharles Wesley 1707-88
122How pleased and blessed was IIsaac Watts 1674-1748
572Jesus, come, for we invite youChristopher Idle
573O Christ, the great foundationDaniel T Niles 1908-1970
1092O Christ, you are the builderEmma Turl
1278O Church arise, and put your armour onStuart Townend and Keith…
84O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place!David G Preston
1055O what gloryHugh J Thomson
574One holy Apostolic churchJames Seddon 1915-83
575Onward! Christian SoldiersS Baring-Gould 1834-1924
576Should I rehearse with human voiceJohn L Bell and Graham Maule
577The church’s one foundationSamuel J Stone 1839-1900
578We come before our Fathers’ GodThomas H Gill 1819-1906
1180We who know the Lord is graciousCyril Argentine Alington in…
1122We, we are God’s peoplePhilip Percival
45With hearts in love aboundingHarriet Auber (1773-1862)
1143You have not come to Sinai’s mountPeter J Ninnis
579Your hand, O God, has guidedEdward H Plumptre 1821-91
87Zion, founded on the mountainThe Psalter 1912, ALT