
Your word’s a lamp to guide my footsteps

Your word’s a lamp to guide my footsteps,
your word lights up my path to you;
I now confirm the oath I’ve taken:
your righteous judgements I’ll pursue.
Many the times, O Lord, I’ve suffered-
fulfil your word, my life renew.

2. O Lord, accept my willing praises,
instruct me in the plans you laid;
and, though I put my life in danger,
I’ll not forget the laws you made,
though wicked men set snares to trap me,
yet from your precepts I’ve not strayed.

3. Your statutes are my constant treasure,
they bring me joy, by none surpassed;
on your decrees my heart is settled,
resolved to keep them to the last.
Your word’s a lamp to guide my footsteps,
and on my path its light is cast.

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