When this land knew God’s gracious love outpoured

When this land knew God’s gracious love outpoured,
guilt was removed and captive lives restored;
then was turned back the anger of the Lord,
his people pardoned, their sins forgiven.

2. But now where wrong so flagrantly has trod,
will you for ever punish with your rod?
Once more revive us! Give us life, O God!
Give joy for anguish; for wrath, salvation.

3. O let me hear God’s word of sweet command:
peace to his saints, salvation is at hand,
peace to his people, glory in our land
for those who fear him, who turn and worship.

4. That day draws near when truth will join with grace;
justice and peace will meet in love’s embrace;
faith on the earth, and from his holy place
he comes in glory, the righteous Saviour.

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