1096. We come to you, our gracious, holy King

Author: Emma Turl

We come to you, our gracious, holy king,
redeemed from sin by Jesus’ precious blood;
in Christ we join our thankful hearts and sing
affirming: ‘You are worthy, you are good!’

2. You sent your Son, the shepherd of the lost,
to search for us when we had gone astray:
he left your side to suffer on the cross,
restoring us to follow in your way.

3. O Father God, you fill us with your love
so undeserved and yet so freely given!
You lavish gifts upon us from above
and welcome us as citizens of heaven.

4. Now let your Spirit pour on us his peace
and bring us wisdom from your living word;
let faith and fruitfulness and love increase
as we become a dwelling for our Lord.

5. Surprised by joy, surrounded by your care,
assured of strength to face uncertain days,
we taste and see how great and good you are
and worship you in overflowing praise!
References: Psalm 100:2-5; John 10:11; James 1:17; Ephesians 2:10, 17-20; Nahum 1:7; Psalm 34:8

Copyright: WORDS: © 1989 rev. 2013 EMMA TURL/PRAISE TRUST