Walk in the light, and you shall know

Walk in the light, and you shall know
that fellowship of love
his Spirit only can bestow,
who reigns in light above.

2. Walk in the light, and you shall find
your heart made truly his,
who dwells in cloudless light enshrined,
in whom no darkness is.

3. Walk in the light, and sin abhorred
shall not enslave again;
the blood of Jesus Christ your Lord
shall cleanse from every stain.

4. Walk in the light, and you shall own
your darkness passed away,
because that light on you has shone
in which is perfect day.

5. Walk in the light, and then the tomb
shall hold for you no fear;
glory shall chase away its gloom,
for Christ has conquered there.

6. Walk in the light, and you shall trace
a path, though thorny, bright;
for God shall dwell in you by grace,
and God himself is light.

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