1091. The Saviour comes

Author: Emma Turl

The saviour comes from heaven down to earth:
God’s gift of love displayed in servant-birth.
A cattle trough is all this world affords
as cradle for the infant Lord of lords.

When no one else could pay the price,
God sent his Son as sacrifice;
so at the manger now
with grateful hearts we bow
and worship him who came to Bethlehem!

2. Immanuel, eternal Prince of Peace—
from Satan’s power he purchased our release,
for as he breathed his last upon the cross
God’s pardon flowed to cover sin and loss.

When no one else…

3. We see his Light, more glorious than the dawn,
and hear good news proclaimed since Christ was born;
we follow him—the life, the truth, the way,
whose Spirit guides us home to heaven’s day.

When no one else…
(See John 3:16)

Copyright: ©1985 rev. 2012 EMMA TURL/PRAISE TRUST