The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him

The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him,
the God of heaven, by angel hosts adored;
his people bow before him and revere him,
so great and awesome: holy is the Lord!

2. The Lord loves right: only on this foundation
can equity and goodness be assured;
he instituted justice in his nation-
sing forth his praises: holy is the Lord!

3. When Israel’s priests called on the Lord to save them,
he granted them the blessings they implored;
they kept the statutes and decrees he gave them,
his holy people: holy is the Lord!

4. O Lord our God, you answered all who sought you:
you punished sins, but sinners you restored;
let all the nations worship and exalt you,
proclaiming: holy is our God the Lord!

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