1247. The Lord called Moses

Author: Christopher Idle

The Lord called Moses
when he was with the sheep,
and set him over all the flock of God.
May every leader
who follows in his steps
learn humbly as they walk the path he trod.

2 The Lord took David
when he was with the sheep,
and made him shepherd for a chosen race.
May every pastor
now called to tend the church
enjoy a full supply of truth and grace.

3 The Lord chose Peter
among the fishermen,
gave him the task of feeding all the sheep.
May every elder
commissioned to that work
be faithful in the charge he has to keep.

4 Our Saviour, Jesus,
Chief Shepherd of your church,
for us you gave your life, you laid it down;
may we still follow
and listen to your voice,
and by your grace look forward to your crown.