The Lion of Judah is Jesus, the Lamb

The lion of judah is Jesus, the lamb
and the Offspring of David, the Lord, the I AM:
So in heaven the elders and creatures all sing,
and for ever give glory to Jesus our King.

2. With harps and with vials they join the great throng
of the angels with Jesus, and sing this new song:
‘You are worthy, you are worthy, for once you were slain
to redeem all your people for ever: amen!’

3. And those who were sinners, defiled in his sight,
are arrayed in new garments, in praise to unite:
Sing to him who has loved us, and cleansed us from sin,
to the risen Lord Jesus be glory: amen!

4. His love makes the rebel a priest and a king;
he has bought us, and taught us this new song to sing:
‘You are worthy, you are worthy, for once you were slain;
every nation shall praise you for ever: amen!’

5. How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been
if he never had loved us till freed from our sin!
Sing to Jesus who loved us and cleansed us from sin,
and to him be the glory for ever: amen!

6. Come, bow down to Jesus; repent of all wrong,
and believing, join with us to sing this new song:
‘You are worthy, you are worthy, for once you were slain
and you triumphed for ever and ever: amen!’

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