The grace of life is theirs

The grace of life is theirs
who on this wedding day
delight to make their vows
and for each other pray.
May they, O Lord, together prove
the lasting joy of Christian love.

2. Where love is, God abides:
and God shall surely bless
a home where trust and care
give birth to happiness.
May they, O Lord, together prove
the lasting joy of such a love.

3. How slow to take offence
love is! How quick to heal!
How ready in distress
to know how others feel!
May they, O Lord, together prove
the lasting joy of such a love.

4. And when time lays its hand
on all we hold most dear,
and life, by life consumed,
fulfils its purpose here,
may we, O Lord, together prove
the lasting joy of Christian love.

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