1210. Some things we long for

Author: Christopher Idle

Some things we long for
and long prepare for,
and set our hearts on
somehow, somewhere;
then God corrects us
and redirects us
to what is better,
yet hard to bear.

2. Some things we work for
fervently hope for,
looking ahead with
our long-term plan;
then the Lord shows us,
because he knows us,
that we must start back
where we began.

3. Lord God, please deal with
our disappointments,
slowness to let go
times that have gone.
Your Spirit’s filling
shall make us willing
to find and follow
where you lead on.

4. Grant to your children
your true perspective,
always to love best
what you command;
seek first and foremost
what you have promised,
blessings unfailing
from your wise hand.

5. Please come to change us,
humble, renew us,
making your pure will
our heart’s delight;
let all our talking,
thinking and walking,
be for Christ Jesus
good in your sight.

6. You gave a template
for our ambitions
in all the footsteps
of your dear Son;
so let us hear him,
keep ever near him,
pray in his pattern,
your will be done.