Remember, Lord, the world you made

Remember, Lord, the world you made,
for Adam’s race to find
the life of heaven on earth displayed,
a home for humankind.

2. A home of peace: but war and strife
and hatred we confess;
where death is in the midst of life
and children fatherless.

3. A home of freedom: yet the flame
burns low for liberty;
and few will serve in Jesus’ name
that all men may be free.

4. A home of plenty: clothed and fed
our sturdy children play;
while other children cry for bread
not half the world away.

5. Renew our love, O Lord, and touch
our hearts to feel and care
that we who seem to have so much
so little seem to share.

6. For those who have no prayers to say,
who in despair are dumb,
teach us to live as well as pray
‘O Lord, your kingdom come!’

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