1053. Our refuge and our strength is God

Author: Emma Turl

Our refuge and our strength is God,
sure help in every trouble;
though earth gives way and mountains fall,
yet we will fear no evil.
And though the mountains quake and shift
beneath the roaring waters,
the Lord almighty’s our defence,
and Jacob’s God our fortress.

2. A pure, refreshing river makes
God’s city bright with gladness –
and there he dwells, supplying grace
in times of stress and sadness.
As nations rage, he lifts his voice
and all earth melts before us.
The Lord almighty is our hope,
and Jacob’s God our fortress.

3. O come and see the works of God
in bringing desolations:
he breaks the bow, he burns the shields,
he thwarts the wars of nations.
‘Be still, and know that I am God,
for I will be exalted.’
The Lord almighty is our King,
and Jacob’s God our fortress!
(Based on Psalm 46)

Scripture: Psalms 46

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