670. O precious words that Jesus said

Author: Frances J Van Alstyne 1820-1915

O, precious words that Jesus said!-
All those who come to me,
I will not ever turn away,
whoever they may be.
O, precious words that Jesus said!-
Behold, I am the Door;
and all who enter in by me
have life for evermore.

2. O, precious words that Jesus said!-
Come, all who are oppressed,
come, take my yoke and learn from me
and I will give you rest.
O, precious words that Jesus said!-
The world I overcame;
and those who follow where I lead
shall conquer in my name.

Scriptures: John 16:33, Matthew 11:28-30, Revelation 3:21, John 6:37, Romans 8:37, Luke 13:24, Revelation 12:11, John 10:7-10, 1 John 4:4, 1 John 5:4-5

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