Never let the songs end

Never let the songs end: songs of joy and praise,
songs to chart God’s purpose from the dawn of days:
called to be his children, chosen as his own,
we will sing with gladness, making God’s love known.

2   Never let the songs end once new life begins:
freely and completely God forgives our sins;
such abundant mercy, yet at such a price:
Christ has made us holy by his sacrifice.

3   Never let the songs end till we understand
all that love intended, all that wisdom planned:
when God reigns unchallenged over time and space,
Christ shall have the honour of the foremost place.

4   Never shall the songs end! God has done so much!
We have felt the future in the Spirit’s touch:
proof of our belonging, pledge of more to come–
never-ending praises fill our heavenly home.

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