41. Lord, may our hearts within us burn

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith

Lord, may our hearts within us burn
and grant us grace to intercede,
to know compassion and concern
for those in every kind of need,
whose lives are seen as little worth,
the poor and helpless of the earth.

2. In God alone his people stand,
he keeps us in the evil day,
our lives are lived beneath his hand,
his blessings lie about our way:
in sin or sickness, hear our plea,
‘O Lord, be merciful to me.’

3. And when my days on earth shall end,
should foes unite against my name,
or should my own familiar friend
our lifelong bond of love disclaim,
should hope decline and courage flee,
O Lord, be merciful to me.

4. Our God shall not forsake his own,
stronger than death his boundless grace.
When with the saints about his throne
pardoned we stand before his face,
‘Glory to God’, our song be then,
‘Glory to God, Amen, Amen.’

Scriptures: Job 19:13-19, Psalms 29:9, Psalms 41, Psalms 55:12-14, Psalms 72:19, Psalms 106:48, Jeremiah 20:10, Matthew 26:23, Mark 14:18, Luke 2:14, Luke 22:21, Luke 24:32, John 13:18

Copyright: © Author / Oxford University Press