Jesus, your boundless love to me

Jesus, your boundless love to me
no thought can reach, no tongue declare;
O take my thankful heart, and be
the only Lord and Master there!
Yours wholly, yours alone I am,
O be my only constant flame.

2. O grant that nothing in my soul
may dwell, but your pure love alone;
O may your love possess me whole-
my joy, my treasure and my crown!
Strange fire far from my heart remove;
my every act, word, thought be love.

3. Your love, how cheering is its light!
All fear before your presence flies,
sorrow and anguish take their flight
when once your healing beams arise.
O Jesus, may I nothing know,
nothing desire, or seek, but you!

4. Unwearied may I this pursue,
undaunted, to the prize aspire;
hourly within my soul renew
this holy flame, this heavenly fire;
and day and night be it my care
to guard that sacred treasure there.

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