How rich and deep God’s judgements are

How rich and deep God’s judgements are,
his knowledge, how profound!
Who understands the path he takes?
His wisdom, who can sound?
If we should try to guide his thoughts
no counsel could we find
to offer the all-seeing One
who forms both heart and mind.

2. And who can give him anything
which he must then repay,
or charge a debt to his account
against the judgement day?
Eternal glory and renown
shall evermore be his-
the Source of all created things,
the End of all that is!

3. And yet our living sacrifice
this awesome God desires:
our mortal bodies, yielded up,
to serve as he requires!
Such giving is a sacred act,
such worship, pure and right:
the best response of thankful hearts,
and pleasing in his sight.

4. Then by his all-surpassing power
our minds he will transform
to see this world’s ungodly ways
no longer as the norm;
for hearts and lives renewed by grace
at last can truly learn
God’s good and pleasing will to prove,
his judgements to discern.

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