God is gone up on high

God is gone up on high
with a triumphant noise;
the clarions of the sky
proclaim the angels’ joys!

Join, all on earth, rejoice and sing;
glory ascribe to glory’s King.

2. God in the flesh below,
for us he reigns above:
let all the nations know
our Jesus’ conquering love!

3. All power to our great Lord
is by the Father given;
by angel hosts adored,
he reigns supreme in heaven:

4. High on his holy seat
he rules in righteousness;
his foes must know defeat
and sink in the abyss:

5. His foes and ours are one,
Satan, the world and sin:
but he shall tread them down,
and bring his kingdom in:

6. Till all the earth, renewed
in righteousness divine,
with all the hosts of God
in one great chorus join:

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