Every heart its tribute pays

Every heart its tribute pays,
every tongue its song of praise;
sin and sorrow, guilt and care,
brought to him who answers prayer;
there by grace may humankind
full and free forgiveness find;
called and chosen, loved and blessed,
in his presence be at rest.

2. Ever while his deeds endure
our salvation stands secure;
he whose fingers spun the earth,
gave the seas and mountains birth,
tamed the ocean, formed the land,
spread the skies with mighty hand:
far-off shores revere his name,
day and night his power proclaim.

3. Year by year, the seasons’ round
sees the land with blessing crowned,
where caressed by sun and rain
barren earth gives life again;
sunlit valleys burn with gold,
nature smiles on field and fold,
byre and barn with plenty stored:
all things living, praise the Lord!

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