Come, sing the praise of Jesus

Come, sing the praise of Jesus,
sing his love with hearts aflame,
sing his wondrous birth of Mary
when to save the world he came;
tell the life he lived for others,
and his mighty deeds proclaim,
for Jesus Christ is King:

Praise and glory be to Jesus,
praise and glory be to Jesus,
praise and glory be to Jesus,
for Jesus Christ is King!

2. When foes arose and slew him
he was victor in the fight;
over death and hell he triumphed
in his resurrection might;
he has raised our fallen manhood
and enthroned it in the height,
for Jesus Christ is King:

3. There’s joy for all who serve him,
more than human tongue can say;
there is pardon for the sinner,
and the night is turned to day;
there is healing for our sorrows,
there is music all the way,
for Jesus Christ is King:

4. We witness to his beauty
and we spread his love abroad,
and we cleave the hosts of darkness
with the Spirit’s piercing sword;
we will lead the souls in prison
to the freedom of the Lord,
for Jesus Christ is King:

5. To Jesus be the glory,
the dominion and the praise;
he is Lord of all creation,
he is guide of all our ways;
and the world shall be his empire
in the fulness of the days,
for Jesus Christ is King:

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