1213. Come see Mount Sinai

Author: Emma Turl

Come see mount sinai, where God gave the law
received by Moses from his hand divine;
and where the man his maker’s glory saw,
which made his face with dazzling radiance shine.
So may we see the glory of our God
through Jesus Christ who shed for us his blood;
so may we climb the mountain of his grace
where he reveals his love and holiness.

2. Consider Carmel, where Elijah came
there with the faithless prophets to contend:
he saw the Almighty glorify his name
and on his offering fire from heaven send.
So may we see the glory of our God
through Jesus Christ who shed for us his blood;
so may we climb the mountain of his grace
where he reveals his power and faithfulness.

3. Once Jesus’ friends were on a mountain peak
and there with Moses and Elijah stood;
they heard his Father’s voice from heaven speak
and saw the splendour of their glorious Lord.
So may we see the glory of our God
through Jesus Christ who shed for us his blood;
so may we climb the mountain of his grace
where he reveals his majesty and peace.

4. There is a hillside near Jerusalem
where on a cross God’s Son for sin was given:
the Lord of glory suffered to redeem
and make us welcome at his home in heaven.
So may we see the glory of our God
through Jesus Christ who shed for us his blood;
so may we climb the mountain of his grace
till we behold our Saviour face to face!

See Exodus 31:18; 1 Kings 18:22-24, 29, 35-39; Matthew 17:1-5; John 19:19-20

Copyright: © 1986 revised 2011 EMMA TURL/JUBILATE HYMNS copyrightmanager@jubilatehymns.co.uk