Christian soldiers in the fight

Christian soldiers in the fight,
wrestling evil forces,
great are our resources!
Mighty armour God provides;
using every section
gives us full protection.

2. As a belt we take the truth,
trusting God to save us
by the truth he gave us.
What a breastplate: God himself
tells us how he sees us:
righteous in Christ Jesus!

3. Now we wear the gospel shoes,
everywhere declaring
peace that is for sharing;
when we raise the shield of faith
how can Satan harm us?
He will not alarm us!

4. Gift of God to bring our minds
into liberation:
helmet of salvation!
Such a powerful sword to wield:
how God’s word inspires us!
How his Spirit fires us!

5. When we pray, the Spirit’s voice
whispers deep inside us,
speaking words to guide us:
God has pledged to bring us through,
in his strength abounding,
all our foes confounding!

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