By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored

By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored,
we keep the memory adored
and show the death of our dear Lord
until he comes.

2. His body, broken in our stead,
is seen in this memorial bread,
and so our faltering love is fed
until he comes.

3. The drops of his dread agony,
his lifeblood shed for us, we see;
the wine shall tell the mystery
until he comes.

4. And so, in this most sacred rite,
our Saviour’s dark betrayal night
with his last advent we unite
until he comes.

5. Then shall the trumpet call be heard,
then shall the ancient graves be stirred,
and with the great commanding word
the Lord shall come.

6. O glorious hope! O happy state!
Let not our hearts be desolate
but, strong in faith, in patience wait
until he comes.

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