Born by the Holy Spirit’s breath

Born by the holy spirit’s breath,
loosed from the law of sin and death,
now cleared in Christ from every claim
no judgement stands against our name.

2. In us the Spirit makes his home
that we in him may overcome;
Christ’s risen life, in all its powers,
its all-prevailing strength, is ours.

3. Sons, then, and heirs of God most high,
we by his Spirit ‘Father’ cry;
that Spirit with our spirit shares
to frame and breathe our wordless prayers.

4. One is his love, his purpose one:
to form the likeness of his Son
in all who, called and justified,
shall reign in glory at his side.

5. Nor death nor life, nor powers unseen,
nor height nor depth can come between;
we know through peril, pain and sword,
the love of God in Christ our Lord.

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