At your feet we fall

At your feet we fall,
mighty risen Lord,
as we come before your throne
to worship you.
By your Spirit’s power
you now draw our hearts,
and we hear your voice
in triumph ringing clear:

‘I am he who lives,
who lives and was dead.
Behold, I am alive
for evermore.’

2. There we see you stand,
mighty risen Lord,
clothed in garments pure and holy,
shining bright;
eyes of flashing fire,
feet like burnished bronze,
and the sound of many waters
is your voice.

3. Like the shining sun
in its noonday strength,
now we see the glory
of your wondrous face:
once that face was marred,
now you’re glorified;
and your words like a two-edged sword
have mighty power.

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