774. A sovereign protector I have

Author: Augustus M Toplady 1740-78

A sovereign protector I have,
unseen, yet for ever at hand,
unchangeably faithful to save,
almighty to rule and command.
He smiles, and my comforts abound;
his grace as the dew shall descend,
and walls of salvation surround
the soul he delights to defend.

2. Inspirer and hearer of prayer,
both leading and guarding your sheep,
I place in your covenant care
my life, both awake and asleep;
if you are my shield and my sun
the night is no darkness to me,
for, fast as my moments roll on,
so nearer to you I shall be.

3. Creator and ground of my hope,
to your name alone I shall bow,
a new ‘Ebenezer’ set up
to show ‘God has helped us till now.’
I think on the years that are past,
when all my defence you have proved;
nor will you relinquish at last
a sinner so blessed and so loved.

Scriptures: Romans 8:26, Psalms 33, Isaiah 26:1, Isaiah 49:7, 1 Peter 5:7, 2 Kings 19:20, Proverbs 19:12, John 10:27-28, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6, John 10:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:24, Hebrews 7:25, John 1:18, Psalms 110:3, Exodus 6:3, Psalms 139:12, John 1:4, 1 Timothy 6:16, Hebrews 13:5, 1 John 4:12, 1 Corinthians 1:9, Psalms 33:20, Genesis 17:1, Colossians 1:27, 1 Thessalonians 5:10, Acts 4:12, Psalms 84:11, Philippians 4:5, 1 Chronicles 28:20, Isaiah 60:18, Psalms 65:2, Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalms 115:9-11, 1 Samuel 7:12, 1 Samuel 4:1, Psalms 28:7-9

Copyright: © In this version Praise Trust